If you’re not sure where to begin with your class, these 34 lessons are the foundation of BSSM. Each of these lessons touches on important topics every student should know by the end of the year. These can be taught over 9 months, showing one video per week.

Introduction to First Year Bill Johnson Bill Johnson welcomes students and opens the school year with a mandate to walk with God in purity and power, displaying God’s nature to the world.
The Ways of Royalty Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton instructs students to live a lifestyle in response to the vision that God has given them, not in response to past hurt and shame. Forgiveness restores the standard, ushering in freedom and wholeness.
Living from Eternity Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton teaches students what it looks like to live connected to their royal identities as sons and daughters of God. He answers students’ questions related to developing a royalty mentality, honoring leaders in authority, and more.
Supernatural Ways of Royalty Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton teaches students what it looks like to live connected to their royal identities as sons and daughters of God. He answers students’ questions related to developing a royalty mentality, honoring leaders in authority, and more.
Cornerstone Beliefs Bill Johnson Bill Johnson shares the four cornerstones of faith: God is good, nothing is impossible, Jesus’ blood paid for everything, and we are significant. These four cornerstones determine our significance and how we live our lives as believers.
Father’s Embrace Danny Silk Danny Silk teaches about connecting to the heart of the Father and developing intimacy with Him. A healthy relationship with the Father leads to lasting freedom.
Honor & Impartation Bill Johnson Bill Johnson teaches the correlation between honor and impartation. Honor is the currency of heaven, which releases life and inheritance.
Culture of Honor & Revivalist Lifestyle Mark Brookes Honor is an integral part of revival. Mark Brookes explains the core value of honor and how it creates a culture of honor at Bethel Church and BSSM.
The Heart of the Prophetic Ben Armstrong In the first session of his prophetic series, Ben Armstrong shares the heart and foundation for the prophetic gift.
Moving into Friendship with God Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton teaches on how becoming a friend of God allows us to influence the Lord.
Responsibility to Inheritance Eric Johnson Eric Johnson teaches about our responsibility to increase the move of God that is being transferred from the previous generation and how we can develop the mindset of a revivalist.
Outreach Evangelism Chris Overstreet Chris Overstreet encourages students to take risks in outreach, using their gifts and operating in honor and love.
Evangelism: Heart & How To Chris Overstreet Chris Overstreet continues to provide students with tools for evangelism. He teaches the best ways to approach individuals out of a heart full of love, compassion, and respect.
Risk Made Easy Joaquin Evans Joaquin Evans shares keys on breakthrough in healing. Healing comes from the overflow of our relationship with God and bringing people into a love encounter with Him.
The Power of the Testimony Bill Johnson Testimonies are the spirit of prophecy! Bill Johnson explains the power that testimonies release to students.
Accessing the Momentum of God Joaquin Evans Joaquin Evans shares about accessing the momentum of God and what brings pleasure to the Father.
Relationships: Confrontation, Communication, & Boundaries Danny Silk A culture of honor is created in an environment when people feel safe and loved. In this session, Danny Silk teaches how healthy confrontation, communication, and boundaries can promote trust and remove fear in relationships.
Powerful People, Powerful Relationships Danny Silk Danny Silk shares about how to be a powerful person in a seemingly powerless relationship, and how to keep your love on towards others.
Plan for Purity Kris Vallotton In this session, Kris Vallotton talks about the importance of purity and the battle to protect it. Sex was created by God to be enjoyed in the covenant of marriage. Kris also shares practical steps for creating a purity plan.
Deliverance Mark Brookes Through Jesus Christ, we have been given authority over the demonic realm. Mark Brookes shares how believers can help captives be set free through deliverance ministry.
Salvation: The Past, Present, & Future Bernie Ooley As believers, we are not just born again by faith, but called to live a lifestyle of faith. In this session, Bernie Ooley teaches the implications of salvation, repentance, and sanctification for our lives.
The Holy Spirit – The Person and Fruit Leslie Crandall In this session, Leslie Crandall teaches on the Holy Spirit and how important He is to the believer’s life. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is just as important intimacy with the Father and Son.
The Holy Spirit – Baptism and Gifts Kalley Heiligenthal In this session, Kalley Heiligenthal reminds us that Jesus gave us one of the greatest gifts in the Holy Spirit and that we still have access to His power and presence today.
Manifestations of the Spirit Kris Vallotton In this session, Kris Vallotton shares how students should posture their hearts towards manifestations of the Spirit.
Possessed by God Georgian Banov Georgian Banov shares insight on how God’s love and grace transforms us and sets us apart to be a light to others.
Loving the Word: 1 Jared Neusch In his first session of Loving the Word, Jared Neusch shares three keys to fall more in love with Scripture.
Cultural Transformers Kris Vallotton Kris Vallotton shares the goal of raising up world-class leaders, sent into every realm of society to transform culture.
Church is Family, Not A Business Banning Liebscher Jesus Culture leader, Banning Liebscher, shares the difference between family and business, and that the church should be an attractive family.
Moving in Apostleship, Part 1 Kris Vallotton In this session, Kris Vallotton begins teaching on moving away from denominationalism and into apostleships. He discusses the roles of apostles to change culture and how the role of an apostle can be distinguished from the role of a pastor.
Creating Powerful People, Part 1 Eric Johnson In this session, Eric Johnson makes powerful connections between leadership, relationship and freedom.
Creating Powerful People, Part 2 Eric Johnson Eric Johnson continues his teaching on creating powerful people in a school environment. He touches on leadership, feedback, and self-promotion.
Authenticity in Leadership Danny Silk Danny Silk shares about being a leader that is genuine, knowable, and able to give and receive feedback.
Kingdom Keys for Deploying Back Into Communities Paul Manwaring Paul Manwaring explains the power of convergence, dreaming, and knowing what you love as keys to transition and transformation.

